Ting Ting Nangis Hatter Talking, Iis Dahlia Is Polisikan Netizen?


  Speech by Haters Ayu Ting Ting Nangis, Iis Dahlia Is Netizen Polish?

Iis Dahlia compares the act of hate with the events experienced by Ayu Ting Ting and Ruben Onsu.


Iis Dahlia became the victim of bully internet users because of his comments as a judge seeking talent " Indonesian Dangdut Contest " 2018. At that time Iis gave a spicy comment on the appearance of a competitor named Waode Bau Bau.

Iis criticized the appearance of Waode who came to audition without wearing makeup and fashion "wow". Although Waode was finally allowed to audition after 19459015, but the comment flooded the blasphemy of netizens.

Iis regretted the various comments of intimidation which were addressed to him. "I regret that sometimes Indonesians are sosmos children if we click on the key, it's just to sosmé the words of people," said Iis in the area of ​​Kebun Jeruk, West Jakarta, Saturday (21 / 7).

"The people who play SOSMED are mostly a child when he's crying dilaporin," he added. "A lot of people are competent and one thing they just watch the video is not watching the show as a whole."

So, if Iis intends to report the enemies who blaspheme him to the police. I am admitted not to want to do it and serve the enemies because it will only waste time alone.

"If you want diladenin tired bo," said Iis. "If the comments were slanderous, if I have time, but waste time wasting time on the police."

Iis also briefly mentioned the enemies Ayu Ting Ting and Ruben Onsu who finally apologized. Iin insinuated the enemies who will certainly be more membully himself when he reported to the police.

"If I'm a guardian I say bad, because I'm sorry," he said. "Kayak that just happened aja, just apologize and cry – yeah, rich of Ruben and Ayu was so upset."

Iis chose to respond to everything casually. Although he admitted sometimes lost his patience, but he still did not want to serve the enemies act.

"Tired of blasphemy say sorry, cry, if diladenin is so crazy," said Iis. "As human beings, we have limits of patience."

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