Tips from a skin doctor if you want to conceal acne with make-up


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – When viewing zits appears, the first thing that emerges is to disguise before others see it. Usually, the quickest way to conceal it using a foundation or concealer.

Also read: 5 myths about acne you need to know the facts

Too often, hiding makeup buttons certainly has an impact on the skin. The skin doctor Mona Gohara says that it's very difficult because the makeup is used to hide pimples, but can actually worsen the condition of the skin.

According to dermatologist Shereen Idriss, some makeup ingredients can further clog pores, which can worsen inflammation and worsen. zits. "When you have active pimples, your skin will be more sensitive and irritable, you should stop makeup for a while, so that the skin becomes healthy again," Idriss said on the Self page.

Sometimes makeup can also cause rashes, the skin irritation process is accompanied by blackheads and zits. This condition is called cosmetic acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, cosmetic acne occurs when makeup is the main source of acne problems. Even women who do not have acne can have it.

The cosmetic buttons usually look like small bumps on the cheeks, chin and forehead and can last from a few days to six months. Because time varies when cosmetic buttons appear, it can be difficult to determine the relationship between zits existing products and certain products that cause them. When new buttons are formed, you can treat the zits and then cover them with the same makeup that made them appear first.

Even though makeup can cause a rash, you can still wear it and even give the skin a clean look, as long as you choose your product wisely. Cosmetic dermatologist New York City, Kenneth Howe, said that although dermatologists often recommend not using makeup while having acne, he thinks that the use of a Lightweight, oil-free foundation can work with pimples, not against.

Foundation is not the only makeup product to use when creating pimples. Skin specialist Lily Takaloub recommends that patients who are prone to acne avoid primers and powder when they want to clean their pimples. He explained that the powder can increase pore blockage and that the primer often increases inflammation zits. He also recommends using oil-free moisturizers on an anti-concealer covering, as they tend to clog pores less often.

Experts strongly recommend treating acne first. "It all starts with good habits, and treating your skin that way is a priority," said Dr. Idriss. "Wash your face before going to bed and if you notice that your skin has a problem, take a step back and use less makeup."

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