Tips to prevent constipation while traveling


Ahmad Baiquni

November 29, 2018 2:04

Dream – When traveling, we obviously do not want the schedule that has been created to be disrupted. Because everyone wants to go on vacation until satisfying.

However, constipation can hurt the hope. As a result, holidays that should be fun are broken.

"Constipation occurs when the digestive tract can no longer function normally and if a person defecates less than three times a week," said Sanofi Medical Expert. Dr. Riana Nirmala Wijaya Wednesday.


Constipation can occur due to many factors. May be due to food or physical fatigue and stress.

"Trips can also lead to changes in diet and stool, fatigue, jet lag that can lead to changes in bowel movements, which can make constipation easier," said Riana.

As a result, he explained, there was a feeling of incompleteness during defecation. In addition, constipation causes obstruction of activities and fatal consequences for the body.

"If the problem of constipation is allowed, it can lead to bleeding in the anus and can even cause injury to the anus and a blockage of the bowel," explained Riana.


Riana also shared tips for avoiding constipation while traveling.

1. Try while you consume liquid (mineral water), fruits, vegetables, enough fibrous foods and avoid caffeine

2. Do not delay stool. Set the BAB model and try every morning after 30 minutes of breakfast then BAB

3. Do not stress and multiply the road. Because body movements can also facilitate defecation.

Report: Ava Haprin

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