Titi Kamal educates children in the manner of parents


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Titi Kamal does not have the power to lull tears when he remembers his parents' memories when he was a child.

"I was crying because I remember being raised by my parents." I am happy in my family, I love and I support " , said Titi at the launch of Nestlé Lactogrow's product at Tower Multivision, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Friday (27/7/2018).

He can live and live with a loving family. his father's education that has always instilled positive values ​​since childhood.

Read: Nikita Mirzani Sinking on the live broadcast Billy Syahputra due to many spirits [19659002] "Dad always instilled intimate things up to Titi

Therefore, Titi will lower the values ​​of his parents to the child.

"I have always instilled the values ​​are also for my children, so I can make them happy, my children grow up happy grow up happy just like me," has-i he says.]

This news was broadcast on Kompas.com under the title "Titi Kamal crying Kala remembering the progress of his relative"

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