Tito said that Indonesia is a country that has not made laws on the protection of the apgakum. He mentioned that some developed countries have already made special laws to protect his device.
He divulges some of the things included in the law regarding the threat of punishment. He said perpetrators of violence against police officers should be subject to serious criminal penalties.
Secondly, Tito stated that the law also regulates the issue of custody of the law that deals with potentially threatening cases.
"Tell the judge who is handling a case that could pose a threat to him," he said.
In addition, Tito expressed his hope that the government would create a special detention center for police personnel who allegedly committed a criminal offense. it is necessary to prevent retaliation of civilians against prisoners.
"There have been many cases of law enforcement that have been grouped in tandem and then become the target of revenge," he said.
Vulnerable Then victim
Tito transmits the vulnerable police personnel to the victim while performing tasks in the field.
Based on his records, 31 police personnel were victimized from January to July 2018, with details of 22 injuries and nine staff deaths.
Two of the nine deaths, Tito said, were the center of police personnel securing the polls in the Torere district of Papua. About the threat, Tito said that until now, the police relied only on the Government Regulation No. 102 of 2015 on the social insurance of soldiers TNI-Polri and the police regulations on determining the police's punishment status. (res)
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