Tjahjo inaugurates Interim Governor Irwandi on Monday


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo authorized Aceh's deputy governor, Nova Iriansyah, to become Acting Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf, who was placed under the protection of the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK). also named the Vice Regent of Bener Meriah Tgk Syarkawi as the Regent's Plt on its territory. This was done because Bener Meriah Regent, Ahmadi, was also stabbed by KPK with Irwandi by OTT.

Tjahjo stated that the decree as executor of the two representatives was sent to their respective region on Thursday (5/7) noon. As for the official inauguration, they will both be done next week

"Monday I invite to the formal, just SK was sent for that there is something in the area, it can cover the problem "says Tjahjo between Haul activities Five years of death of Taufik Kiemas in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday evening (5/7)

Meanwhile, Irwandi and Ahmadi are now at headquarters KPK located in Kuningan, south of Jakarta. Both were named as suspicions of alleged corruption in the budget year of the Aceh Special Autonomy Fund (DOKA) 2018.

Irwandi allegedly repeatedly received bribes worth Rp1.5 billion related to infrastructure development projects ijon. He was charged under Article 12 letter a or Article 11 of Law 31/1999 amended by Law 20/2001 on the eradication of corruption under the law. 39, Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Penal Code

1) a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 relating to the eradication of the corruption.


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