TKI crashes, Parliament recalls once again the illegal way – VIVA


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VIVA – Bambang Soesatyo, Speaker of the House of Representatives, worries about the collision of two motorboats illegally transporting Indonesian workers (TKI) around the waters of Sei Nyamuk, Sebatik, Friday, June 29, 2018

Powerboat departs from Tawau in Indonesia with another speedboat that departs from Sebatik to Tawau. As a result, five people died and twelve were injured.

"I am sorry for the deaths of five people who were victims of the accident," Bambang Soesetyo said in a written statement in Jakarta on Saturday, June 30, 2018.

He hopes that people and migrant workers will no longer take the water course illegally. Because it endangers lives and there is no guarantee and protection. Yet, to work abroad, the government has provided many facilities and facilities

This Golkar Party politician hopes that the government will soon realize the construction of the State Border Post (PLBN) in Sei Pancang, North Sebatik, Nunukan, North Kalimantan. Thus, with the operation of the PLBN, it is expected to avoid the incoming and outgoing labor traffic of Sebatik, particularly from Tawau, Malaysia

"Due to the fact that there is no such thing as". Absence of PLBN, many of our parents leave for Malaysia or return.Indonesia illegally used a motorboat in the waters of Sebatik and Tawau, and many of them even became victims of 39, shipping accidents en route, "he said

. However, the PLBN will also affect economic activities and will increase the welfare of citizens.

So with the security, will be more able to. increase patrols around the waters area

So, he said, the House is always ready to help the government through the UPRP department in terms of budget management to ensure and prepare the funds needed for the construction of the PLBN

Only the political will of the government the determination of the priority scale has priority in development, "said Bamsoet.

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