Today carcass KM Sinar Bangun will be removed, the corpse of the victim is 450 meters deep


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, TIGARAS – KM Sinar Bangun is ready to be fired at the surface of Lake Toba. The plan, the withdrawal will be today, Saturday (30/6/2018).

Yesterday, the Joint Team of Basarnas still has constraints related to the existing tow rope that is too small.

The team requires a larger rope, as well as robots

The search process entered the 13th day, Deputy Brigadier General and Brigadier General Nugroho Budi Wiryanto after doing a search for S & D Ensure that the position of the corpse has not been changed.

Nugroho said that the position of corpses stomach.

Read: Chronology of speedboat accidents in the border waters of RI-Tawau that kill 5 pbadengers

Because the position of the corpse is at a depth of 450 meters

"The temperature above The bottom is very cold, it is clear that the body does not break down, "he said at the 12th day of research results at the pier Tigaras, Simalungun Regency

. hung the ship with a small rope using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) remotely operated robot.

Probably, today his side will try to badociate it with a large rope.

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