Today, the witness and the expert Prabowo will testify in court


Witnesses and experts from the pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Prabowo-Sandiaga, will today make their statement to the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding Structured, Systematic and Mbadive Fraud (TSM) in the United States. 2019 presidential election. Only 15 witnesses and 2 experts will provide information.

The Constitutional Court 's trial related to the dispute over the presidential election of 2019 today Wednesday (19/06/2019) will open at 9 am Brussels time, with the order of the day of listening to the statements of the witnesses of Prabowo-Sandi. The Court ensured that only 15 witnesses and 2 experts were present at the trial.

"Tomorrow, the applicant will have 15 witnesses and 2 experts, the same for the defendant, 15 witnesses and 2 experts," said the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, during the procedure of the presidential election from 2019, at MK building, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Tuesday / 6) yesterday.

The Prabowo-Sandiaga legal team had previously asked the Constitutional Court to allow the applicant the opportunity to call a number of witnesses without being compelled.

"As far as the witness is concerned, the president, we only want to say one thing, the court, according to the rules, has the power to determine the number of witnesses, but on our side the president has a problem if you want to prove all the arguments that we have advanced all this, "said the Prabowo-Sandiaga legal team, Bambang Widjojanto (BW), at the end of the presidential election trial in the premises of the Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday 18/6.

"We certainly do not want procedural law to preclude us from proving our arguments because of the restrictions placed on witnesses, which is why we will be submitting the witnesses we have presented tomorrow and we are asking for the freedom to prove the arguments of the witnesses. our postulate, "continued BW.

However, Constitutional Judge Suhartoyo had a different opinion. Suhartoyo said his party did not want many witnesses but the quality was not good. In addition, the statement of the witness at the trial in the Constitutional Court was not the main one.

"If we do not limit, we will also be faced with a situation in which we will not be able to optimally examine the paradigm of the court, so that the court will interview witnesses one by one rather than popcorn. wants to explore the quality of testimonials rather than their quantity, "said Suhartoyo.

Suhartoyo explained during the session at the Constitutional Court that the most important evidence was a letter, a statement of parties and witnesses. Thus, continued Suhartoyo, his party did not limit the evidence in the form of files.

"In addition, the scale of priority is that of letters, the court is very primary and unrestricted, we can see evidence of stacks of letters in the courtroom," he said.

There are 5 alleged frauds called the Prabowo-Sandi legal team that are structured, systematic and mbadive (TSM) and related to an alleged abuse of power, namely:

at. Misuse of the State's revenue and expenditure budget and the Government's work program
b. Misuse of bureaucracy and BUMN.
c. Neutrality of the state apparatus: police and intelligence.
d. Restrictions on the media and freedom of the press.
e. Discrimination in the treatment and abuse of the police.

"The five types of offenses and frauds are all of the TSM type in the sense that they are perpetrated by the structural apparatus, planned, encompbad and have an extended impact on many areas of Indonesia. ", said Bambang Widjojanto.


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