Todd Howard Blames Sony for Fallout 76 Problems


Looks like this news falls into the category of bad news. Todd Howard blames Sony on the Fallout 76 issue. What are the problems Sony and Bethesda are facing about Fallout 76?

It turns out that the problem was a feature that Bethesda had promised on Fallout 76, the cross-play function . This feature cross-play allows players to continue playing Fallout 76 despite the different platforms

Unfortunately, Sony's policy against the Playstation 4, which prohibits the Cross-play. Todd Howard, as director and creative leader of this Fallout 76 game, also badigns responsibility to Sony.


Todd Howard expects cross-play on Fallout 76. So players do not need to buy the same platform to play together.

"You can not do cross-play in 76, we would really like that now we can not." Fallout 76 itself is one of the spin-off series of Fallout games. The plan, this game will have a genre with the type Battle Royale as it is now.

Previously, Epic Games in 2017 was also planned to add this cross-play In their Fortnite game, Playstation 4 players and PC players can play together.

Unfortunately, this is a communication problem, and Epic Games instantly corrects this badertion, stating that Fortnite will not have the cross-play function between the Playstation 4 and other platforms .

Seen case by case, it seems that a feature that could surely be an excess of each battle game is constrained by Sony's policy which does not allow game developers to provide a cross-play feature .

I hope that Sony will be able in the future to provide policies that will make it easier for game developers to continue to improve, add features, and continue to develop better, cooler games and more. more sophisticated.

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Published by Doni Jaelani

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