Tommy Soeharto's party will be Polis Ahmad Basarah PDIP


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President of the PDP Work group Badaruddin Andi Picunang said that his party had initiated legal action regarding the spokesperson of the national campaign team Joko Widodo-Ma & rt AminAhmad Basarah. He said that he would report Basarah to the police.

Previously, Basarah had called the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia Suharto is a teacher of corruption in Indonesia. The working group chaired by Hutomo Mandala Putra or Tommy Suharto do not accept the declaration.

"Work is going to bring him to the realm of law," Badar said by short message, Wednesday (11/28).

Badar said the Legal Aid Institute's working group would follow up. In addition, Badr said the Suharto family would also be likely to sue, along with his party.

"The Pak Harto family can also report," said Badar.

Badar explained that it had not been proven until now that Suharto had committed acts of corruption in the judicial process. He stressed that all Indonesian citizens have the same rights under the law. As a result, Badar has not asked any party to take a personal stand in Suharto.

"This is not proven – we do not accept it – it is an accusation and a non-fundamental stamp," Badar said.

Previously, Ahmad Basarah had declared that the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto, was a teacher of corruption in Indonesia.

"Thus, the teacher of Indonesian corruption, pursuant to Decree No. 11 of the MPR in 1998, was the former President Soeharto and it was the ex-brother-in-law Pak Prabowo", said Basarah during a meeting Wednesday at the Megawati Institute of Menteng office in Jakarta.

Basarah said the corruption cases that had spread to the new order had provoked public discontent and a 1998 reform to replace the regime. He added that the corruption cases that had spread since the Soeharto era had also hurt the Indonesian population to this day.

However, according to Badar, Suharto was the father of the nation and the foundation of NKRI's development. He felt that corruption had existed since the Dutch East Indies era. "The nickname of the father of corruption is therefore inappropriate to address to SM Soeharto, the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia who has the mission to build this nation." He never taught the Corruption, quite the contrary, in his day there was rarely corruption like today, "he said.

He said that the TAP MPR 11 of 1998 concerning the administration of a KKN-free country did not apply only to persons per person but to all the children of the nation, up to the end of the year. to the emergence of more specific KPK anti-corruption institutions. Thus, he continued, the TAP MPR was not the connotation of KKN's eradication by Pak Harto.

"Ask Mr. Ahmad Basarah not to carry the name of Pak Harto, our ideological father of the task force, in search of personal popularity and campaigning," Badar said.


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