Total Moon Eclipse and its impact on the zodiac


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The total lunar eclipse will adorn the sky of the earth on Saturday (28/7) early in the morning. Not only a celestial phenomenon, this total lunar eclipse can also be badociated with astrological signs called zodiac.

In the world of astrology, this total lunar eclipse is considered a great power that affects a person according to the zodiac that he possesses

. month against the zodiac reported by Bustle

1. Aries
A lunar eclipse is called to bring an unusual duality to a Aries. Aries, you are a natural born leader, and after today, you may be able to have an important role, "Astro wrote Astro Twins.

2. Taurus
] The lunar eclipse will reveal some weaknesses that are contrary to the nature of Taurus Some things can also be frustrating

"Pay attention by combining personal and professional arenas," wrote Cafe Astrology.

3 Gemini
On the eve of a total lunar eclipse, Gemini has a positive energy to help those in trouble.

"While others experience anger and frustration, you can help a loved one partridge to the king of astrology

4. Cancer
During a total lunar eclipse, cancer is expected to prepare for the unexpected.

"This eclipse can also bring huge financial gains or unexpected momentum around legal or real estate issues," writes Astro Twins.

5. Leo
Leo is asked to restore the balance between personal and professional relationships.

"You have to look at the difficult problems in a relationship so that later you can take steps to make significant changes. For now, the sudden decision suggested," the explanation to Cafe Atrology.

6. Virgo

For the Virgin, a total lunar eclipse should be used to evaluate by doing what is desired and necessary.

"You can change your lifestyle, your daily routine or your eating habits or leave stressful things." wrote Astro Twins.

7. Libra
The total lunar eclipse can bring Libra to frustration and self-contradiction. Balance is advised to seek balance and devote more time to yourself.

8. Scorpio
Scorpio predicted to do a lot of problems during the total lunar eclipse. Scorpion is asked not to pack emotionally and choose wisely.

"The tendency to act recklessly without considering its consequences can cause a major disruption in your life," says astrologer Jamie Partridge. Sagittarius
Sagittarius will be filled with happiness during a total lunar eclipse. The hard work of Sagittarius tends to be appreciated.

"This eclipse can bring a great breakthrough in any of your ideas and make it a viral sensation," writes Astro Twins. Capricorn
The total lunar eclipse seems to be a frustrating thing for a Capricorn.

"There will be a problem with you and someone about money, possessions and other things," notes the Astrology Café.

11. Aquarius
This total lunar eclipse is called to determine the future path of Aquarius.

"In the next two years you will have a lot of balance between left and right brain, logic and magic," wrote Astro Twins. 19659004] 12. Pisces
Pisces were asked to listen to their conscience during the total eclipse of the eyes.

"Doing the best things that interfere with productivity, in time, direction and purpose". (ex)

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