Traveling to Persela, Gian Zola Say Salam Farewell to the Persib Team


BANDUNG, – Young Persian midfielder Persib Bandung, Gian Zola, moved to Persela Lamongan. The players gave up the training Persib had to say goodbye to the players and officials after Persib overthrew Persebaya Surabaya on Thursday night (26/7/2018).

"I thank all my friends, the coaches are also officials who have guided Zola so far," said Zola, quoted on the official Persib website.

"Do not forget also thanks to bobotoh," he continued.

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Despite lack of hours of play, the owner of number 8 helped bring Persib to shoot league leaders in the half-season.

"We are now a half-season champion, I hope it will not be a champion of the season, but Zola will be able to win Persib at the end of the season," he said. -he declares.

"Again, thanks for everything, Zola said goodbye," Zola said.

The player born on August 5, 1998 was forced to leave the Maung Bandung team because it is difficult to break the midfield rivalry.

He was tempted by coach Persela Lamongan, Aji Santoso, while Persela visits Persib Headquarters some time ago. The invitation of Aji was greeted by Zola who was looking for hours of flight.

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Zola became the fourth Persib player to move. Previously, Wildansyah, Billy Keraf and Darian Imam were looking for fortunes in the new club. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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