Traveloka founder Derianto Kusuma resigns

[ad_1] – One of Traveloka's founders and chief technology officer, Derianto Kusuma, has officially resigned. Derianto will leave Traveloka as of November 30, 2018.

By official declarations received KompasTeknoTuesday (27/11/2018), Derianto did not specify the reason why he had decided to leave the company that he had founded almost 7 years ago.

He would expect him to concentrate on developing new businesses that do not intersect with Traveloka.

"Traveloka is currently in a transition phase, and my technological transformation work has been completed with the formation of a strong team that will lay a solid foundation for moving forward," Derianto said in a statement.

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"The way to Traveloka in the future has been guaranteed with the latest financing or investment, and it's time for me to continue the next chapter of my life," he added.

Derianto also greatly contributed to the creation of Traveloka with CEO, Ferry Unardi, in 2012. According to Ferry, Derianto is an important technology figure and a strong organization of Traveloka.

In an official statement, Ferry said the decision to retire had been made by Derianto after considering it for several months. He also said that Derianto's resignation process had been discussed with investors.

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"The transfer process has been prepared and we will continue what we have built for Traveloka – setting high standards," said Ferry.

"We will continue to grow and focus on achieving our long-term goals, becoming a world-clbad technology company used by millions of people."

Traveloka itself was created in February 2012. Thanks to its "startup" status, the company considered the development of the travel business in Indonesia as a golden opportunity.

It took Traveloka five years to become a billion-dollar company and hold the title of "unicorn". Traveloka also becomes unicorn start first of Indonesia.

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