Twice Dashed by Esek-Esek Video News, Aura from Sad Love


The Aura of Love was again struck by the news of the esoteric video of her. The singer of 1969 Long Distance made a rebuttal via Instagram social media if he was not the person in question.

Encountered while attending his latest film creation, Aura would have sadly admitted like that. The reason he currently enjoys his life is calm and far from gossip.

"I'm sad aja more anteng-anteng, still seneng-seneng, suddenly appeared news like that.In 2010 was also dikitain kitu like that." Aura Kasih, "added Aura in the city of Kasablanka, in South Jakarta, Thursday (28/6)

  Aura Kasih was again seen / Credit: KapanLagi - Akrom Sukarya Video As Aura Kasih appeared again / Credit: KapanLagi – Akrom Sukarya

Many parties are surprised by the adult video again is supposed to be similar to Aura Kasih.including family who directly contacts the player ARINI to confirm if it is true or not

"The family asks, I can not give the video too, I just said that it's not me, Oh my god, it's not me, said the old lover Glenn Fredly .
While it is true that adult video actors are themselves, Aura Kasih had to be embarrbaded to appear in front of the audience. He dared to appear precisely as a performer if he was right.

"It 's not me, if that' s why I'm still here (attend the premiere of the film), I will be lost, I pulled it out. Instagram. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?)

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