Kapanlagi.com – A bad video similar to Aura Kasih had circulated in virtual dunya some time ago. The telematics experts also open the door on the similarity of the figure on the video with Aura Kasih. Aura Kasih also confirmed that the woman is not himself.
"Oh yes, about the video that is spelled as-sembinip, already surely not the telematics have already told me," said Aura Kasih, at the gala (19459003) Aura Kasih unfortunately, because the public has accused him. He immediately clarified through his personal Instagram. It's not the first time, ex-girlfriend Glenn Fredly has got this accusation.
"I'm sad aja, yet anteng-anteng suddenly rich dikitain so what do you mean, so I wrote on Instagram, because really sad." In 2010, Sempet also hit at that time, "he continued.
The broadcast of the video has also been worried the family Aura Kasih. They immediately called, happily the singer of "Let's Make Love" can be sure that it is not him.
Twice became a hoax victim, which makes Aura Kasih understand when to anticipate another attack. Although he can not avoid it, Aura Kasih still believes that only he can outdo himself.
"Honestly, I do not understand how people can make a hoax, but how do you cope with your reaction?" I have to relax. "If I call on people who are slandered, get hoaxes, the reactions are true. Never to get angry with anyone, I think things like this already have God's permission, so we need to know how to do it, back to God, believe in written and positive thinking, "concludes
Previously, Aura Kasih also responded casually as the bad video spread to her ears.Aura chose to update her Instagram story by means of a joke as a form of clarification of new hoaxes
Source: Liputan6.com
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