Two more days, a big asteroid will pass near the Earth – All pages


Illustration of asteroids pbading near the Earth.


Illustration of asteroids pbading near the Earth. – Besides the Earth, there are many other celestial bodies belonging to the solar system.

There are other large planets, dwarf planets, comets, meteorites, asteroids and others.

All of these celestial bodies surround the sun as star stars in their respective orbits.

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However, the orbits of these celestial bodies are irregular. There are those whose orbits intersect.

Earth's orbit also intersects with several celestial bodies, such as the asteroid.

Well, one of the asteroids whose orbit intersects the Earth will pbad near the Earth on May 26, 2019 later.

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Asteroid Bersatelit

Asteroids clbadified as (66391) 1999 KW4 are not the only ones approaching the Earth.

This asteroid is actually accompanied by a smaller asteroid as a natural satellite.

Yes, just as the Earth has a natural satellite, the Moon, asteroids also have natural satellites.

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This asteroid has a diameter of about 1.5 kilometers and a small asteroid 500 meters in diameter.

This asteroid bersatelite is a type of asteroid asthmatic, ie space rocks intersecting orbits intersecting the Earth's orbit.

Not only the Earth's orbit, but the orbit of this asteroid also crosses the orbit of Venus as it moves around the Sun.

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In movement approaching the earth

According to observations of astronomers, this asteroid will cross near the Earth on Sunday, May 26, 2019 at 06:05 WIB.

However, do not worry, these asteroids will pbad about 5.1 million kilometers from Earth.

This distance equals 13.5 times the distance of the Earth and the Moon. In other words, crossing this asteroid is safe and safe for the Earth.

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Can we see it?

Because of this sufficient distance, we can not observe this asteroid, friends.

Professional astronomers can only observe it by radar observation.

The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico will begin observing this asteroid from May 29 to June 7, 2019.

Astronomers will use a radar to study these asteroids, from their shape to their origin.

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