Two South Jakarta district court judges arrested by KPK are professionally known and live in boarding houses


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Judges Irwan and Iswahyu Widodo, who were arrested by the KPK for stopping their hands on Tuesday (27/11/2018), are known as professional judges.

This was explained by Achmad Guntur of the South Jakarta District Court, who was also a member of the panel of judges in the case that had trapped both judges.

"As long as I am a colleague, I consider them professionals while maintaining the integrity of the judge," he told a meeting at the South Jakarta District Court Thursday (29/11/2018).

Judge Iswahyu Widodo, for example. The story of Guntur has seen the Central Java man repeatedly, taking away the files processed by him in a car to his home to be studied further.

Another reason, the trial can take place from morning till evening at 23 o'clock WIB. Not to mention that a group of judges can hear up to 30 cases in a day.

"He saw several times bringing the file home, he said that the file was studied, some judges have also done," he said.

Read: arrested by the KPK and South Jakarta District Court replace the judge

He was reluctant to give much information about the activities of the two judges outside the court. Because every judge has his own busy life. "I do not know if he's out, I've never spoken," he continued.

Nevertheless, Guntur confirmed that both judges preferred to stay in a boarding house instead of occupying the official accommodation provided. Several judges from the South Jakarta District Court did the same.

"Some live in boarding houses, usually because they are closer, and Pak Wahyu and Mr. Irwan are not here either," he said.

At least, throughout the day on Thursday (11/29), no less than 20 cases had to be postponed due to the incident. Guntur still does not know, how many other things must be delayed.

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