Two Top Corruption Suspects in Pilkada 2018


They are candidates for Tulungagung Regent, Syahri Mulyo and candidate for the governor of North Maluku, Ahmad Hidayat Mus. Relative to this KPK unallocated election results and still the treatment of the law at a time.

Legal case is trapped Regent Tulungagung Syahri Mulyo. But his detention at the KPK did not affect voters in the June 27 elections. Syahri who re-advanced in the Tulungagung elections excels in a quick KPU account.

Not only the candidates of Tulungagung Regent, the suspect KPK who excels in the election. There is also a candidate for the governor of North Maluku, Ahmad Hidayat Mus, who allegedly was involved in the corruption of the acquisition of airport lands.

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