Ulin Nuha, Indonesian student in Cairo killed from apartment floor 5


JAKARTA, (PR) .- Ulin Nuha, graduate student at Al Azhar University, was killed while sliding off a balcony on the 5th floor of his apartment, Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, June 30 2018 at 22:30 local time.

when the key Ulin apartment is gone behind. Ulin can not enter his apartment either. However, he is still looking for ways to get into his residence. He tried to sneak through the balcony. Incidentally, the neighboring fifth floor apartment is Indonesian. Unfortunately, Ulin's attempt to enter his third floor apartment did not work. He fell from the fifth floor of the building. Ulin was transported to Tayseer Hospital, Nasr City, Cairo. However, Ulin's serious injuries mean that the lives of students in Kediri, East Java can not be helped.

The ambbadador of Indonesia in Egypt Helmy Fauzy said, the representatives of the Cairo Embbady directly to the hospital when he heard the incident. "We are sorry for the death of Ulin," said Mr Helmy in a written statement on Monday, July 2, 2018. He said that Indonesian students still give priority to the security of the soul. In addition, continues Helmy, the majority of Indonesian students who have studied in Egypt do not have health insurance. Shipwreck

In another case, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Johor Bahru, received a notification from the Malaysian Marine Law Enforcement Agency (WMPA) about the safety and health. wrecked castaway wrecked in Tanjung Balau waters, Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia, Monday, July 2, 2018 in the morning. According to the survivors, the ship is estimated at 44 pbadengers. This number includes 38 men and 6 women. Until now, he has been evacuated successfully by no less than 26 victims by the Malaysian SAR team. In total, 25 citizens survived and 1 died. Survivors are currently housed at the port facility.

The Malaysian SAR team continues its research involving the Navy, the medical and police teams. "The Indonesian citizen protection team of Johor Bahru is already on the pier site to monitor the evacuation process and provide the necessary support," said the director of Indonesian Citizen Protection and IHB from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu M Iqbal. (Bambang Arifianto) ***

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