Unique facts of the 2018 World Cup: Didier Deschamps Prestigious history carved


Deschamps becomes the fourth person to advance to the World Cup finals as a player and coach.

The French national team manages to qualify for the 2018 World Cup after winning 1-0 in Belgium thanks to Samuel Umtiti's goal at the stadium in St. Petersburg.

Coach Didier Deschamps has left his name in the history books. As we know, the 2018 Moscow final will not be the first World Cup final for the 49-year-old, after successfully leading Les Bleus to the final and the champion. in 1998 as captain of the team.

Very few figures managed to achieve similar records, the last before Deschamps was Rudi Voller, who reached the final as a player in 1986 and 1990 runner-up and world champion. fell from Brazil.

Then two other names are Franz Beckenbauer (Germany) and Mario Zagallo (Brazil). Both are even more impressive because they always win when their country always ends up being champion in the final either as a player or as a coach.

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