Unique Views of Earth's Problems from Former Adherents of the Flat Earth


Jakarta – Perhaps there is rarely a story that explains a flat flat "repents" and turns away from the conspiracy theory. Although rare, but that does not mean that the story does not exist at all.

One of them happened to James Buckley. The British actor who is identical to his role in the Inbetweeners series recently said that he had come back to believe that Earth was round in an interview.

Even though he's "repented", that does not mean that he does not have a unique view of the Biru planet. This unique view is seen when Buckley likens the Earth to a ball of mush.

"At first, I thought it was round (Earth), then I was told that the Earth was flat. Then I started to think that the Earth was flat, then now (I say) still around, "he said.

"So, I found the theory that the Earth is actually thick and bumpy, I imagine it as a slurry ball that has a gravitational force," he added. detikINET quote from Lad Bible, Saturday (06/08/2019).

Unique Views of Earth's Problems from Former Adherents of the Flat EarthPhoto: Illustration of a flat earth (iStock)

Strange, but not completely wrong

Buckley's form of Earth is certainly funny, but in reality he is trying to convey important points. In addition to the fact that the planet is well round and gravity, some discoveries show that the Earth is "thick and bumpy".

To explain this, we must take the time first. Not too far, only until 2011. At that time, the European Space Agency (ESA) had managed to map the Earth with the help of gravitational forces scattered around the world.

The model manufactured by ESA at a glance shows indeed that the Earth looks bumpy and soft like a clay easy to form. Instead of using the word "thick", Buckley should perhaps say that he was "flexible" to better fit the model of the Earth.

At that time, ESA explained on its official website that its research was aimed at better understanding how the Earth works. One of the functions of the model is to measure ocean circulation, sea level changes and ice dynamics in the polar regions. In other words, this model is useful for measuring the impact of climate change caused by global warming.

So, why does the model show a land that looks bumpy and soft? Because ESA gives details on the height of each surface of the Earth, so it has the appearance of being reinforced.

It took them two years to realize this model. To do this, they use the Gravity Field satellite and the GOCE (Steady State Ocean Circulation Explorer), which gravitate around the Earth and record the structure of the mantle of the planet.

Unique Views of Earth's Problems from Former Adherents of the Flat EarthIllustration of soft earth. Photo: European Space Agency (ESA)

Buckley is not the only one to "repent"

There are other people who turn out to be similar to Buckey. Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff became the person in question.

He is a presenter and former British cricketer. Like Bucklet, Flintoff also had his own point of view on the shape of the Earth after no longer adhering to the flat earth theory.

Once, he once said that the Earth was shaped like a radish. I do not know what brought the two old friends of the flat Earth theory to have an unusual badogy in describing the shape of our beloved planet.

Flintoff also explained that he had returned to Earth after talking with Tim Peake and Brian Cox. For foreigners, the first name is an ESA astronaut. While the other is one of the most famous physicists of British soil.

Do you have friends who repent after believing that the Earth was flat? What are their views on the Earth today? (rns / rns)

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