Unloading of dozens of Saung appliances in Sukamiskin Prison


Bandung, CNN Indonesia – Dozens of luxurious saung to The Sukamiskin Prison was dismantled by a combined prison and prison officer of security and order in West Java on Tuesday. evening (24/7).

In total, there are 32 saung established by detainees already leveled for inconsistent with prison rules. The transport of saung equipment has been observed since at 17:00 WIB. The new officer completed the demolition at approximately 2400 hours.

Follow-up CNNIndonesia.com Trucks loaded with trucks enter and exit prisons carrying bamboo materials. As long as the officers work about seven hours of service, the media team is not allowed to go into jail and wait on the prison page.

After the demolition, Dodot Adi Kuswanto, general manager of the West Kemenhukam regional office gave the press

"I am as head of the Kemenhukam West Java regional office was orders of management to do the 39, arranging and re-ordering at Sukamiskin Prison, "he said, Wednesday (25/7)

According to Dodot, his camp dismantled saung because during that time circulated the problem that the prison of Sukamiskin is a special prison.

"We are doing the raid so that what is supposed by the public that there is a privilege in this prison, we take it off, we have done so much of what we do," he said. he adds. (19659004) "We will continue to brake and clean tomorrow, I expect that there are 32 saungs," he explained.

After Saung's demolition, his camp asked the prison warden to establish a visiting prison venue to visit the detainees.

"We will clean up and, in accordance with what the Director General delivered yesterday, we will make it a representative place for all detainees, not for the private," he said

"What makes these guerrillas themselves own funds," he said

Therefore, pihknya will make a place of visits whose budget will come from the state.
"Tomorrow, we will make the saung that made the country a public institution that is in prison," he said. (hyg) function (f, b, e, v, n, n.callMethod?
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