Unloading of the JPO HI roundabout, Anies preparing the passage of Pelican


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan will prepare a Pedestrian Light Control Facility or Pelican Crossing as a temporary replacement for the demolition of the pedestrian bridge (JPO) at Roundabout Hotel Indonesia (HI). "JPO to HI will be removed for a while will be prepared pelican," said Anies at Jakarta City Hall on Monday (23/7).

Pelican is a traffic light for level crossings. All who cross the street will have to press the fire switch before crossing. Pelican Crossing is currently installed on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan

The use of pelican is made because the underground pbadage line that will replace the JPO can not be built.

Anies said based on the results of his interview with Mbad Rapid Transit (MRT) The JPO may be completed in a week

However, Anies has not explained the certainty that the demolition of the JPO will begin.

"This will be done this week, I hope that next week can be done," said Anies. Anies explains that the aesthetic factor behind the HI Roundabout HI must be dismantled.

Because, said Anies, the JPO covered the welcome Statue in the HI roundabout. In fact, the statue was made to host the participants of the Asian Games in Jakarta in 1962.

"Now we make the statue as a symbol of welcome," said Anies, "JPOnya removed from there later we will have an unobstructed view. " 19659004] In addition to aesthetic reasons, Anies also mentioned that JPO is less friendly to people with disabilities so it needs to be dismantled.

"Pelican will cross much more friendly with people with disabilities," said Anies

DKI vice-governor Jakarta Sandiaga Uno was not able to ensure the demolition of the JPO at Bundaran , in central Jakarta, before the start of the 2018 Asian Games on August 18th.

Sandi stated that the municipal government was still discussing the speech of the governor of Anies Baswedan. Yesterday, the result can be done before the Asian Games, but we discuss it again so as not to provoke debate, "said Sandi.

Sandi also sed co-ordinated with all parties so that the plan for Anies does not cause new problems

He also communicates with the Coalition of Pedestrians to avoid misunderstanding

"We will coordinate one of them to speak with the Coalition of Pedestrians. Incidentally, I was also appointed coalition administrator yesterday and I now want to be a bridge between the coalition and the provincial government of DKI Jakarta, "he declared

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