Unsweetened condensed milk, many products do not fit the terms


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Circulars of the Food and Drug Supervisory Board that reinforced the circulation of sweetened condensed milk proved to be long-term. Sularsi, complaints and rights coordinator of Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI), stated that many food products and beverages are not consumed in accordance with the provisions

"Of the 20 food and beverage products, 2 are often consumed . by children and it is often consumed during children's birthdays, "said Sularsi, Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

Read: BPOM Prohibits Sweet Milk Promote Products to Children [19659002] Sularsi a explained that the information on the adequate provision of food and beverages is not clearly stated, so that the public is not fully aware.The product for children should also have a clear explanation of the salt content In other countries, says Sularsi, products with a high sugar content will be labeled in red so that people know exactly what the contents are. (19659004) The Ministry of Health recalls sweet and non-dairy products for children

Sularsi explained that BPOM is designing rules for producers to label colors that specifically describe high levels of sweetness. e and salt in food products and beverages. "If the high sugar content of the color is that, if the salt is high, the color is different again, so that people are wary, now the writing of the stipulation of age, for example, may be drunk Recently, BPOM issued a circular letter number HK. signed on May 22, 2018. The letter that tightened the circulation of sweetened condensed milk for children was intended for producers, importers, distributors of condensed dairy products, and badognya

In the letter, Suratmono, a BPOM badistant for the monitoring of processed foods, mentioned the tightening of product circulation to protect consumers. "In order to protect consumers, Especially children, against false and misleading information, adequate protective measures are necessary ", he said, quoted in the letter.

In addition, producers, importers, distributors of products its milk products Children under 5, whatever their form, are not allowed to present children under 5 years old. In addition, it is forbidden to use visualization as their condensed dairy products and badogues are synchronized with other dairy products as adjuvants or nutrient supplements.

Visualization of a liquid image of milk and / or milk in a glbad is also prohibited used for sweetened condensed dairy products and the like. Manufacturers, importers, distributors of condensed dairy products and their badogues also apply the provisions of these Circular Letters not later than six months after being stipulated in October 2018.


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