Uruguay vs Portugal in 16 World Cup 2018


Interesting Facts About Uruguay and Portugal

1. The two teams will meet for the third time in a competitive match. Portugal has never lost against Uruguay with a draw and a win.

2. The last meeting of the team dates back to nearly 46 years in Rio de Janeiro in July 1972 with a 1-1 draw. The other match was created before the 1966 World Cup when Portugal won 3-0 in Lisbon

  Cristiano Ronaldo warms up in front of Uruguay against Portugal. Cristiano Ronaldo warms up in front of Uruguay against Portugal. (REUTERS / Sergio Perez)

3. Uruguay has won three matches in the 2018 World Cup Group A Qualifiers without conceding.

4. Uruguay last time not conceded in three matches was during the group stage of the 2010 World Cup. At that time, Los Charruas managed to reach the semi-finals. They have never played four consecutive games of the World Cup without conceding.

5. All goals of Uruguay created at the 2018 World Cup (five goals) come from the dead ball.

6. Uruguay has six times reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup (1930, 1950, 1954, 1966, 1970 and 2010), with two world titles (1930 and 1950).

  Luis Suarez will be the first Uruguayan striker against Portugal. Luis Suarez will be the mainstay of Uruguay's first line against Portugal. (REUTERS / Hannah Mckay)

7. Portugal lost three matches in the knockout stage of their three World Cup appearances.

8. Cristiano Ronaldo has never scored in the knockout phase of the World Cup. His seven goals in the World Cup were created in the live phase of group in three different editions.

9. Three of Portugal's five goals at the 2018 World Cup came from outside the box.

10. Portugal has only reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup in two titles (1966 and 2006).
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