Usamah Hisyam reveals reasons to leave PA 212 – VIVA


VIVA – The President of the Indonesian Muslim Brotherhood (Parmusi), Usamah Hisyam, said that he was stepping down from his position as a member of the advisory body for the Brother of the 212 alumni.

He baderted that the reason was to resign from his post because the attitude of PA 212 was no longer in keeping with the original spirit that prevailed at the time by the action in defense of Al-Ma'idah, verse 51.

This decision was in line with the firm desire to react to the 2019 presidential election. Based on the Mukernas last September, Parmusi agreed to become an institution that would not make any choice.

"I have to resign because of my position as president of the Permusi," he said during an interview tvOne, Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

Mukernas Parmusi continued: he also asked executives and preachers to choose godly vice presidential candidates and personalities.

"When Mukernas on Mount Gede-Pangrango, all cadres were declared neutral and all asked to choose those who obey religion," he said.

However, he pointed out, Permusi did not issue any instructions prohibiting his managers from participating in the meeting.

"We are not doing any education," he said.

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