Use Cheat, this PUBG player stopped


Jakarta, Selular.ID – It is forbidden to use tricks to win a game throughout the game. The use of cheats can be detrimental to other players because the user can easily win the game.

As it happened in China, 141 players of the PUBG game were captured by the local police for being caught using cheats. In addition to using, some of them are also suitable for selling or spreading cheating.

Even more dangerous, they also infiltrate malware or viruses in cheating. In addition to harming, the cheating that they do can also be harmful to other players.

As reported by IGN on Tuesday (17/07), 141 captured people are the total of the set since January 2018. Tencent and local law enforcement forces worked together to make the case. ;arrest.

Results of the arrest, up to 200 pieces of evidence were confiscated such as flash disks, PCs and cell phones

photos of the authors and also proofs. They face a five-year prison sentence.

According to Allen Zheng, one of Tencent's top executives, the arrest is an attempt by the company to crack down on the fraudulent activities of online gambling players. He also believes that hacking will continue to be done in secret by irresponsible people.

Known, Tencent in January began cracking down on players and hackers who used fraudulent tools in the PUBG game

. local authorities managed to get 120 cheats in January. Then, in April, a total of 15 players and players who were carrying out illegal activities were also arrested.

To date, the number of players and makers of the PUBG game has been captured up to 141 people.

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