Usung Amien Rais So Capres, KUM Call the Budek Government


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President of the Ummat Madani Coalition (KUM) Syarwan Hamid believes that the government Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has never listened to the voice of the people aka Budek

According to him, various things have been expressed or the pursued Muslims have never ignored Jokowi. In fact, he argues that Jokowi tends to criminalize Islamic figures

"Mutual government, reluctant to listen to the voices of the people," Syarwan said in a speech to the statement of support of the KUM to Amien Rais. Presidential Candidate of the 2019 Presidential Election at Al-Jazeerah Restaurant, East Jakarta Saturday (30/6)

"If you look at the fact that the Indonesian people are predominantly Muslim, the demands of Muslims are ignored and even criminalize the characters. "

He also believes that the Jokowi government can not be controlled. In fact, according to him, control can not be exercised by the DPR, which has a supervisory function.

This, proved Syarwan, proved by fulfilling the various wishes of the government that had received the green light from Parliament, such as the publication of a government regulation (19459006) "The government can not be controlled, so the House of Representatives can not control, "he said.

From there, Syarwan considers Indonesia should have the figure of a president who has a strong commitment to Muslims. According to him, a leader who is hostile to Muslims will not win.

Even if he is victorious, the figure will be undermined continuously throughout his life.

Moreover, says Syarwan, Indonesia should also have a president who has dared to reorganize China's dominance in Indonesia. According to him, the figure of the next president must renegotiate the goods that have been abnormally controlled.

"The man (future president) boldly regulates how China's domination was prevented, the badets controlled abnormally because there is a control of the land

Previously, KUM had asked Amien to "immediately descend the mountain" to become a candidate in the presidential election of 2019 in order to play an important and strategic role in saving the fate of the nation that is on the brink of

"We asked Amien Rais to immediately descend the mountain in order to answer the call of the Ummah, "said the press release of the Declaration on the application and bringing Amien presidential candidate of RI 2019 (19459012), CNNIndonesia. com (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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