Vacation in America, Assistant Ashanty Guest Dining at a Luxury Restaurant


  Vacation in America, Ashanty badistant inviting to eat in a luxury restaurant

Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah invite the badistant to eat a table at a number one buffet restaurant in Las Vegas, United States.

Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah still enjoy their holidays in the United States. More than two weeks in America, the Anang family has visited beautiful places. Leaving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas was explored by the family of Anang Hermansyah.

While in Las Vegas, the Anang family is known for staying in one of the luxury hotels, Palazzo Las Vegas. Anang also had time to bring his family to dinner in a buffet restaurant or at the famous Bodega, Bacchbad Buffet.

A dinner was held to celebrate the birthday of Azriel who falls on June 27th. Seen Anang, Ashanty, Aurel Hermansyah until the badistant, Suwarsih, appears compact in a luxurious suit. He is known from post Ashanty and also Suwarsih.

Bacchbad Buffet itself is a USA Today a day buffet restaurant omor. This restaurant always adds about 15 special chefs each day to update their menu. About the price, of course Bacchbad Buffet includes a fairly expensive price.

Posted Guests must pay at least USD 69.9 or approximately USD 1 million per person for dinner on the weekends. During a typical day, everyone will be charged at least 59.9 USD or about 865,000 Rp if you want to dine at Bacchbad Buffet.

Clearly, this article by Suwarsih is once again appearing on the social media scene. " Masya Allah favors yaa teng can be all his blessings ," said Netter. " Uuteng @suwarsiha wants donggg ," another chorus. " Masyaa god … happy bnget lihtnya ", exclaims another netter.

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