Vacation in Hongkong, Verrell Bramasta Realize Dream Natasha Wilona

[ad_1], Jakarta Couple Verrell Bramasta and Natasha Wilona just spent a short vacation in Hong Kong. About a week there, they also visited several tourist destinations.

"Yesterday sempet in Hongkong, yesterday 8 days ago, we are traveling to Hongkong, Macao, continue to Hongkong again for the streets," said Verrell Bramasta Kemayoran Region, central Jakarta, Saturday (30/06 / 2010).

Verrell Bramasta took a long time to get to know Natasha Wilona. This is how they spend time together.

A special place that is the main goal of their departure for Hong Kong is Disneyland. Verrell also said, his visit to Disneyland to fulfill one of the wishes of the lover who has never been menginjakan foot in the place.

"Because of the first he (Wilona) has never been to Disneyland so yes I spoke to invite him to Disneyland, and Natasha Wilona and Verrell Bramasta ” clbad=”js-lazyload read-page–photo-gallery–item__picture-lazyload” data-template-var=”image”/>

The eldest son Venna Melinda also admitted that her vacations in Hong Kong were special yesterday.Nasasha Wilona

Now, after her holidays, Verrell and Natasha Wilona are determined to return to spin the soap operas Who Fear of Falling In Love for the next vacation plan. "Well now we are working again, nabung to do it at the next (" vacation "), concluded Verrell Bramasta .

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