Rossi won the title for the first time at the Brno circuit while he was still running in 125cc during his first season in 1996.
Although he has not been a champion since the last MotoGP victory in 2009, in total the gaek race managed to achieve 14 podiums and seven titles in the race that took place in the Czech Republic.
In the 125cc and 250cc categories, Rossi only once held the podium of the Brno circuit. The other five titles are entered in the primary clbad with unique details in the 500cc clbad and four times in the MotoGP event
Valentino Rossi follows Marc Marquez in the MotoGP clbadification 2018. (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch)
After the title in 2009, Rossi's best performance in Czech MotoGP is ranked second in 2016.
Before the 2018 Czech Republic MotoGP race, Yamaha and Rossi admitted very optimistic because of the second success at MotoGP in Germany.
Rossi is likely to score a record 6,000 points in Czech MotoGP this weekend. For a time, Rossi had 5994 points in a career on an iron horse since 1996.
Rossi, who has already scored 119 points, is 46 points behind leaders Marc Márquez.
The Rossi are ahead of Dani Pedrosa with 4094 points and Jorge Lorenzo with 3869 points.
Despite being ranked second, Rossi has never been a champion in the 2018 MotoGP series. runner up position in MotoGP Germany is the best achievement of the former Honda riders and Ducati. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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