Valerie Thomas: My Papa Posesive Bracelet, but I liked


JAKARTA, – Role of the artist Valérie Thomas (19 years old) mentions that her father, the actor Jeremy Thomas, is possessive of him. However, he admitted to tolerate and love the attitude of his father.

Valerie said that during the visit of the office at the Kompas Gramedia Building, South Palmerah Street, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/07/2018)

"My father is very possessive, but his possessiveness is still tolerable so I love him.It is possessive, but yes he is my father okay So even though he's busy he calls me every day, "said Valerie, who is currently at the University of Goldsmiths, University of London, England, in Politics

" To Return Malem Dad enggak call at what time, but yes I know myself aja in this city (London) is also no good baseball women like me until malem ", was he continued.

Thus, the movie star 13 The Haunted is free to determine what he intends to do.

possessive, but he loves me space . For example, I get my own freedom what I want to do, he still watches from afar, phone every day. "Valerie Thomas said that she and her mother, Ina Indayanti, had a very open communication."

"And, I would never have bohongin Daddy or Mom, because we really shut up . I can tell them anything about really what wrote until my ugliness was known Baseball nge-judge I am my parents "did he said.

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