Victims of Malpractice Mention Doctors of Kedoya and Gut Buntus Without Approval


JAKARTA, – The woman with the initials S admitted not only to be the victim of malapraktik appointment of two ovaries at Graha Kedoya Hospital.

S accompanied by his lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, stated that the obstetrician HS initialized also had an appendectomy without the consent of S.

"He said that his appendix is ​​also useless in baseball. it was only a nuisance in front of the media team on Tuesday (10/7/2018).

S claimed to be a victim of malpractice undergoing cystic surgery in 2015

He visited the internist at Grha Kedoya Hospital on April 20, 2015 because he was in pain. (19459002)

In addition, he was given the order to perform ultrasound (USG) .. From the results of ultrasound tests, found an indication of cysts in the stomach, so he recommended to the obstetrician initials HS.

The next day, April 21, 2015, he underwent a surgical removal of the cyst under total anesthesia.

Four days later, on April 24, 2015, he discovered that Dr. HS had removed two ovaries because the doctor's dilemma was likely. cancer in her ovaries

S claimed to have reported this problem in 2015, but so far there has been no continuation.

Read also: The hospital Graha Kedoya reluctant to respond to allegations Malapraktik

Director of Graha Kedoya Hospital. Hiskia Satrio Cahyadi claimed to be unable to provide statements regarding the case of S.

"In this case, the decisive one is the Honorary Council of the profession on the actions of the doctor.We respect that we can not statements technically, "says Hiskia.

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