Video clip The 2018 Asian Games theme song Sung Via Vallen has become a trend on YouTube


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Via Vallen chose to sing official song 2018 Asian Games titled "Grabbing the Stars"

The Games Organizing Committee of Asia of 2018 finally released the clip "Achieved the Stars" Sung Via Vallen on Saturday (30/6/2018) and then via their official account Youtube

The song "Grabbing the Stars" is a modern song created by the famous producer Pay Siburian.

Dangdut song with a touch of pop and RnB is expected to rock the Indonesian people and support the 2018 Asian Games.

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One day after the release, the video clip of the song 15 In YouTube Indonesia

In the clip, Via wears a red shirt

This video clip also features a distinctive dangdut shake combined with contemporary electronic music.

Penar (19659002) Also a dance with dozens of dancers behind him.

Previously, the Organizing Committee of the 2018 Asian Games released several other songs "Bright As The Sun", "Janger Friendship", "Unbeatable" and "Asian Dance".

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