VIDEO TUTORIAL How to answer the questions of the SKD test CPNS 2018, Viral distributed 180 thousand times!


BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID – DIDACTIC VIDEO How to answer the SKD CPNS 2018 tests, Viral distributed 180 thousand times!

As is known, several agencies started organizing the CPNS 2018 Basic Skill Selection Test (SKD), after registering for the website visa and successfully pbading administrative selection.

The guide for answering the 2018 SKPNS SKD test questions was crowded into the candidate hunt.

For now, it's busy and viral is a video tutorial on how to answer the questions of the SKD CPNS 2018 test., quotes from, Sabttu (10/27/2018), describes a tutorial on how to answer CPNS SKD test questions in order to qualify. There are at least three videos.

Read: 4 Requirements for the SKD test after having pbaded the selection of the administration of the CPNS of 2018

Read: 2018 problem-solving exercises of the CPNS concerning 5 SKD test applications for participants who successfully pbaded the selection of the administration of the CPNS 2018

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The video tutorial was shared by a Facebook account named Alvhin Sjahbuddin.

He posted a video tutorial on how to answer frequently asked questions in the CPNS Basic Skill Selection Test (SKD).

Downloaded September 26, the message is now viral.

Yesterday the download was distributed up to 184,517 times.

"Examples of problems that often occur on the CPNS CAT and most people do not respond correctly.

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