Videos in circulation Nissa Sabyan Fainting Male Holding


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The name of the group Sabyan Gambus is on the rise

Through the songs of the genus gambus that they bring, the band is gaining popularity.

The various concert offerings go to a band with a singer named Nissa

Not only does it sound melodious, but Nissa is also fortunate to have a beautiful face.

Not surprisingly, Nissa has become a new idol for the community, especially among the millenials.

Reportage from Instagram account @, Nissa Sabyan is carried by a man in black uniform suspected by a security guard.

Nissa is supposed to be unconscious, so she must be carried and helped.

Visible to Nissa's body is helpless when she is held by a fast officer. to Nikahan Billy Syahputra and Hilda, Kriss Hatta fortifies the hearts Miss Universe

Other officers secure the path for Nissa to be chosen to pbad


Behind them, came the sound of fans of Nissa

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