Village of Pevita Pearce Kangen Shooting Site Buffalo Boys


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Pevita Pearce pleaded nostalgia for the village of Krikilan, sub-district of Girimulyo, Kulon Progo region, special region of Yogyakarta, where was the film Buffalo Boys

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Although the weather around the site was very hot during filming, the atmosphere created by the creative team was very impressive for Pevita Pearce

. I think the movie western in Indonesia has never been shot before, "said Pevita Pearce in a press release." The production team that comes from various countries of Asia is very professional and everyone is indeed an expert in the field. "

In Buffalo Boys, Pevita Pearce portrays a female character named Kiona who dared to fight against the Dutch colonialists. story of two brothers who for many years were exiled to America (Wild West America) and returned to Java to take revenge for the badbadination of the sultan's father.

"Kiona is a girl who has really need to fend for yourself and use all the tools to fight. For this role, we've all been following for three months, both for the physical and the scenes, and I have to be clever at using bows and arrows, "says Pevita Pearce

. Buffalo Boys' production has prepared various ensembles and buildings such as the colonial era.Pevita is very proud to be part of the first film of the writer and director, Mike Wiluan,

"When in the scenery It was almost like in the past, the building was designed to make me feel the atmosphere of ancient times "says Pevita Pearce.


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