Viral Again, what is a Zepeto app?

[ad_1], Jakarta – The presence of Zepeto 3D character application has attracted the attention of many users smartphone.

Zepeto can be called a social network that allows users to create digital avatars and make friends.

This application made by Snow Corporation is available on the App Store and the Google Play Store.

Snow Corporation is developer The application was created in 2016 in Seongnam, South Korea, and operates as a subsidiary of Naver Corporation.

Before using Zepeto, users must first register by email or log their social network accounts such as Facebook.

After that, users can create their own avatars, from the look of the face to the clothes.

Zepeto has four main menus namely Play, Discover, Message and Profile.

In the Playback menu, users can take their own photos or with friends using their respective avatars on Photobooth.

How to make an avatar in the Zepeto application. I.R.

Then the photos can be saved and uploaded to social networks.

The Discover menu itself allows you to make friends or to follow other users. There are several options for making friends, including entering "code of the friend"or code profile other users.

How to make an avatar in the Zepeto application. I.R.

On Discover, there is also the Zepeto Town Square feature, which allows users to meet and build virtual friendships.

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