Vivo participates in MWC Shanghai 2018, with the futuristic launch of face identification!


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Vivo appears at the MWC Shanghai 2018, presents the function "Face ID"! Like what – Vivo is a smartphone salesman from the country of Bamboo Curtain behind the presence of Vivo NEX. It seems interesting, where the smartphone emerges by wearing a unique innovation, the front camera with a pop-up system that is able to design the device with a screen that is almost unframed or unframed.

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In addition, the smartphone also carries one of Yak's biometric security features is no less interesting. Yes, Vivo which immerses the fingerprint scanner inside the screen in the Vivo NEX body. All this has become a technological development that can certainly make a lot of gadget lovers in some countries.

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Not to be missed, Vivo who finally presented the latest innovation of the event MWC of Shanghai 2018. Where the new technology was introduced that is 3D Sensing Time of Flight (TOF) technology. Vivo Y81

TOF 3D Sensing Technology is also used in the use of facial recognition, 3D and AR photography, gesture and movement.

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TOF 3D Sensing Technology was launched by Vivo using 300,000 sensors. True, if the amount is 10 times more than TrueDepth Camera that has been dibesut by Apple. In addition, Vivo's design technology is also designed to be smaller and flexible so that it is easily placed in the smartphone.

Vivo will reaffirm if they will use the "Face ID" is somewhat futuristic is more than just for facial recognition, but allegedly also used as the latest entertainment features. Not only that, Vivo who wants to show, technology is not just a concept behind, but has been tested and will soon meet the required industry standards.

With technology, we hope that other smartphone manufacturers will be able to make other innovations which is no less interesting, so it will add to the smartphone industry in booming world.

Also read: leaked, this promotional material reveal specifications a variant of Vivo NEX? If (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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