Merdeka.com – There are 6 polling stations in the three districts of South Sulawesi as soon as the voting title (PSU) due to the results of violations in the form of a casting elector more than twice and the vote signed by President KPPS before the time. 19659002] This was revealed by the president of Bawaslu Sulsel, Laode Arumahi when met by reporters after watching the examination of President KPU Makbadar Syarif Amir at Bawaslu Makbadar's office on Saturday, (30 / 6) for alleged manipulation of C1 format data in voice summation Pilwalkot Makbadar
"The PSU or Redo vote will take place in six GSTs in three districts, three GSTs in Barru District, two GSTs in Pinrang District. and a GST in the Gowa regency, "said Arumahi. The regency of Barru, for example, said Arumahi, found an electoral vote in addition to using his own right aunts also mengalili sick
Then at other polling stations, he added, there are procedures that are violated as yes It happened in the Regency
Pinrang. The document was signed by the KPPS leader before the time.
"The plan is at Pinrang and Barru, the UAP is taking place tomorrow Sunday. If in the Gowa district, I could not schedule its PSU information at any time," Arumahi said. the overall implementation of elections in the South Sulawesi region is relatively secure. Indeed, the quality of implementation is progressing, as well as the level of voter turnout which, although there is not yet a final result, has seen voter turnout quite high [19659005]. zone, "said Laode Arumahi. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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