WA More sophisticated, here are 20 new Whatsapp features you need to know


Features Whatsapp Latest is currently the most used smartphone and chat application on the PlayStore.

  Whatsapp's Latest Features
Whatsapp's New Features

Applications used to send private messages and in the form of this group still provide interesting features for its users.

WhatsApp (WA) continues to improve the quality of service with features that allow users to be more comfortable and safer.

Unfortunately, not all WhatsApp users know the features of WA, so they are not used properly.

However, there are forbidden apps that even make your WhatsApp not only interesting but much more sophisticated.

1. Whats Tracker

This app is essential to install if you feel dangerous and curious that often pins your WhatsApp account.

Whats Tracker allows users to know who sees and visits their accounts.

Even this app will tell you detailed information including the number of mobile visitors you know.

2. WhatsApp Plus Cracked

WhatsApp Plus Cracked is a banned application that can make your WhatsApp more sophisticated.

With this app you can change the WhatsApp theme you want, so you will not get bored with the look or the whatsapp theme that-aja.

3. WhatsBox

This app is probably the most complete prohibited application.

Sophisticated features can be applied to your WhatsApp, baduming you can send chats without storing numbers, read messages without being picked up, and calls with unknown status.

4. OGWhatsApp

OGWhatsasApp is the application you need if you want to use two WhatsApp accounts at once in a smartphone or Android device.

You have just used this application without the need of a root phone to use two WhatsApp accounts at once.

Although the row of apps above makes WhatsApp more sophisticated, do not use it for negative things, yes.

The latest features of Whatsapp

5. Cancel the message sent

WhatsApp latest features Users can cancel unwanted messages but have been sent.

How to: press the message sent, then hold it.

Then select Delete and select "Delete for everyone".

This feature is only valid for less than seven minutes after submission.

6. Removing the blue check mark

The blue WhatsApp check mark appears when the sent message has been read, but the user can disable it.

This can be useful if the user does not want to be known to others if he has read the message.

How: go to Settings> Accounts> Privacy> Read Receipts.

However, keep in mind that the user will lose the ability to see when messages that the user has sent to him have been read.

Another more delicate way to read your messages without losing blue control is to turn on Airplane mode before opening your message.

7. Hide Last Status Online (Last View)

WhatsApp allows users to see their last time online.

But if this is considered intrusive to privacy, you can hide the "seen last time" sign.

How to select the Settings menu and select the Account and Privacy tab.

Users will find when they read "Last Seen".

Select the tab, it will show other options.

Users select Everyone so that everyone can see "Recently viewed", select My contacts so that only the contacts in the address book can see, or select Nobody can see the information.

8. Stop Automatic Download

Usually, various photos and media submitted via WhatsApp will be downloaded automatically.

This results in considerable energy consumption as well as data packets.

Users can change the settings so that all media received by your WhatsApp number will not be downloaded automatically.

Way, go to the Settings menu and select Data Usage.

Inside is a tab labeled Media Auto Download that contains settings for automatic downloads.

There are three tabs, namely when using mobile data, when connected with WiFi, or while roaming.

On any tab, you can select any media that will be downloaded automatically or not downloaded at all.

9. Special Notice

WhatsApp What's New If you are waiting for a major WhatsApp message from someone, give it a special notification by opening a chat, tap its name at the top and tap the custom message.

11. Mute Conversations

Mute is especially useful for silencing incoming message notifications from often noisy group or group conversations.

How: To mute the sound, Android users can press a little longer on the chat, and then tap the speaker icon at the top of the screen.

While iPhone users need to open a conversation, tap the name of the contact or group at the top of the screen and then select the Mute option.

12. Use WhatsApp on the Computer

  Whatsapp Latest Features
Whatsapp Latest Features

To use WhatsApp, it is necessary to have a mobile card number, which is automatically used on a smartphone .

However, users can also exchange messages via a computer, especially when they want to send files that are in the memory of the laptop or the computer.

Indeed, few know, users can use WhatsApp from the computer quite easily.

How to, select the WhatsApp web option in the mobile application, then visit the web.whatsapp.com web page on the computer, and scan the QR code on the PC via the phone's phone # 39; user. Fact

After connecting to PC, the user can always send a message darismartphone or from the PC.

13. Letters in bold and italic

WhatsApp can now display bold, italic and hangs formatting.

You can do this by entering special characters before and after the word you want to format.

To be bold, use asterisks (*) between * the desired words *.

If you want to tilt it, use the underscore (_) between the desired word, and if you want to make a reprimand through a sentence, use ~ ~ between ~ the desired word ~.

14. Exporting conversations via e-mail

WhatsApp Latest Features If users think that the WhatsApp message is so important, users can save it and send it via e-mail.

How, in a conversation on Android, press the Menu button followed by More> Email Chat.

On iPhone, in the chat series, tap a contact at the top of the screen, then scroll to the bottom of the contact page and select Export Chat.

Not necessarily all messages, whether on Android or iOS, WhatsApp gives you the ability to export messages, with or without existing multimedia files in the chat series.

15. Pinch friends in the group

  New features of Whatsapp
New features of Whatsapp

WhatsApp has a feature mentioning or "stabbing" a friend in the conversation group.

By using this unique feature, group users are guaranteed to be more vigilant when they are mentioned.

Because the feature will always force the system to emit a notification sound when the user is mentioned, even if the conversation group is silent (silent).

Previously, if a user mutes a group, the system does not emit any notification sound.

Thus, users are often unknowingly invited to speak in the WhatsApp group.

The naming function can be used by appending or removing the "@" character (without the quotation marks).

After typing the "@" symbol in the conversation column, a row of contact names in the group will be raised.

The user can type the name of the desired contact or choose one from the contact list generated by WhatsApp.

16. Know who is the most contacted

WhatsApp's Latest Features Not everyone, but maybe some WhatsApp users are curious with whom he sent the most messages on WhatsApp?

If a user uses an app on the iPhone, it's easy to find out.

Go to Settings> Data and Storage Usage> Using Repositories.

Then the contact list will appear in the top sequence, it is the most frequent contact, the alias is the most widely used.

For more detailed reports, tap each contact to view statistics such as the number of messages exchanged, pictures, GIF files, and so on.

Meanwhile, to see the same information about Android users can go to Settings> Chat> Conversation History> Email Chat

However, with a wide range of features, if the security of communication with WhatsApp can be reliable, given Facebook suffered a data abuse scandal from the user at the beginning of the 39, last year.

WhatsApp claims that message privacy and security is a priority of the platform. All messages in WhatsApp are automatically protected by end-to-end encryption.

In other words, all text and voice messages can only be seen by senders and recipients. Third parties, including WhatsApp will not be able to access it.

17. Privacy Settings

  Most Recent Features of WhatsApp
Most Recent Features of Whatsapp

In the Privacy menu, several features can be used to control the privacy of a user's profile.

These include read message reports, last-visit alerts, profile information, and profile photos.

Privacy settings can be configured by clicking the menu button in the upper right corner with a period, then selecting settings, account (account) and select privacy.

After selecting the privacy menu, choose the control options to control. To control the security of readable message reports, the latest warnings, profile information, and profile photos can choose which options to display.

If everyone who stores contacts is allowed to see, select the option "everyone" (everyone), if only allow the contacts we save, select my "contact" option.

But if you do not want people to see, choose "no" (no).

Some notes, if you disable the information and the reception of the last messages, your food will also not be able to see the notifications.

Report reads will always be sent for group chats, even if you have disabled this option in your privacy settings.

Up to now, there is no way to disable "typed" or "online" information.

18. Status Update Check

WhatsApp Latest Features Users can also check for status updates. Just like before, status updates can also be set by anyone authorized to view.

The option to choose is "all contacts" in reference to the contacts you store on the device.

The second option is "my contact with exceptions", where you can select multiple contacts to get status updates, such as the "hide" feature in the Instagram story.

Last is the option "share with only certain contacts". This means that only the contacts of your choice can see your status updates.

19. Block unwanted users

This feature may prevent some contacts from contacting you, either by SMS or by phone.

The trick is to select the option "Contact Block", then click on the contact icon in the upper right corner to choose the contacts you want to block.

In this way, blocked accounts will not be able to send messages or make phone calls to WhatsApp.

20. Two-step Authentication

In a nutshell, two-step authentication is the layered protection of an application when a user wants to log in to his account.

The two-step authentication method typically uses the SMS to send verification codes. In addition to entering a pbadword, users must also enter a verification code received via SMS.

How to use two-step authentication for Android phones, select the three-dot menu icon at the top right of the screen.

Then select "Settings" and press "Account". Then the option will appear "two step verification".

Press the selection key and enter the desired six digits as the pbadword. WhatsApp will ask for a pbadword confirmation with a request to enter an e-mail address.

For iPhone users, how to enable two-step authentication is almost the same as on Android phones.

Only the "Account" menu is accessible from the "Settings" icon in the lower right corner of the screen. If you have followed all the processes, the user accounts will be declared more secure.

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