Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Deputy Commander Syafruddin criticized the results of the investigation regarding the number of mosques radically indicated. He said, there is no radical mosque. "Search people can, but I should call to use the standards," Syafruddin told police headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Tuesday (10/07/2018).
The high-ranking police officer who also served as vice president of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) strongly rejected the so-called radical mosque. Because the mosque is an object. "The mosque is an object, a holy place, it can not be radical, if there are radical people, certainly not a mosque, so be careful not to be cursed by Allah accusing a radical mosque," says Syafruddin .
The three-star general asked, the researcher uses clear language so as not to create multiple interpretations. "If I search for a clear concept, if I talk to the (radical) mosque, I defend it," said Syafruddin
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The campus claimed to not know that there was a terrorist group that spread radicalism in their campus environment.
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