Billy Syahputra claims to want his problems and Kriss Hatta extended.
Billy Syahputra apparently does not want his rivalry with Kriss Hatta to be prolonged. Instead, Billy wanted the wedding session of Kriss Hatta and his lover, Hilda Vitria to be over soon.
Billy's rate during this witness presented by Kriss is less relevant. Therefore, he hoped that Kriss could present witnesses in accordance with the request of the college of judges to terminate the trial immediately.
"It is clear that the panel of judges asked the party's witness to appear in accordance with the case," BIly Syahputra said in Mampang, Jakarta (20/7). "Yesterday it's actually a verdict, next month means, a direct decision."
"But because of the presence of unknown witnesses," he added. "So, the panel of judges gives Kris Hatta's party another chance to present a concrete witness as well."
Blatantly, Billy asks Kris to bring in concrete witnesses so that all questions are clear. Billy claimed that he wanted to move to this problem with Hilda. Billy even had time to kill Kris deliberately in search of something to report by the media.
"Please be introduced, let erase hurry up," Billy said. "I already want to suffer this train without any clarity, if on their side he continues to seek the preached gap."
The younger brother Olga Syahputra also hopes that everyone can know immediately who is right or wrong in this matter. Of course Billy wants the verdict of the court to be the best result for him and Hilda.
"I hope to finish soon, quickly discovered who is right who is wrong," Billy said. "I hope the fathers of the jury and the police will be able to see what is going on."
Meanwhile, in the middle of the conflict, the relationship between Billy and Hilda is still intimate. Billy and Hilda even had the time to spend holidays together abroad.
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