Want to quit WhatsApp Group, but do not want to get caught? This is how Lho


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – In addition to being used as a means of messaging, WhatsApp is also a way to gather.

One of them is to create a group in WhatsApp and to introduce some members who are introduced there.

You can gather and talk together in a room.

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While looking amusing, there is sometimes a reason why we are uncomfortable with the atmosphere of a particular group and certainly try to get out of the group.

Although simple, it is sometimes shameful to leave the group. If that's what you feel, maybe the following tips can help you. Where can you leave the group without being caught.

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The trick can be a little complicated. But only in this way can you go out secretly and offend no one.

Here are the steps

1. Saves all the data in WhatsApp first

  Data backup Digest
Data backup Digest

You must first make a backup malakukan so you do not lose important data by going to the settings menu> chat> chat backup.

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