Warning! Free sticker in WhatsApp mode, here is the good way to get it


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Recently, chained messages have been circulating on the WhatsApp app, via a private chat or informing group about the free WhatsApp> WhatsApp stickers.

In the chained message, users are attracted to the free WhatsApp> WhatsApp stickers.

The user receives two links that will later lead to a page.

If you receive a chain message, you should not visit the link provided. Because, maybe the page you are opening is dangerous.

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Maybe some users who do not know about it will immediately click on the indicated link. In addition, the sticker function on WhatsApp has just been launched and not all users understand how to get it.

As is known, the WhatsApp app now offers a new feature allowing users to send stickers during conversations.

The features of WhatsApp stickers are almost similar to those of other messaging applications, such as Line, BBM or Kako Tapk.

With this sticker function, users can express their mood on the chat. Whether happy, angry or confused.

In order to take advantage of this feature, users must update the WhatsApp application to the most recent version, without accessing an obscure link.

Here's how to use the WhatsApp Sticker feature

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