What are the benefits of Got 6 GB of RAM on smartphones?


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Any surplus is definitely worth it. This also applies to a smartphone. Each of their benefits will benefit our users.

Let's take the example of RAM. Great RAM, like 6GB, must have a myriad of benefits. For example, when playing heavy games such as Tekken.

Thanks to the great RAM, the time required to open the game not too long. The size of the game and the HD graphics do not make it slow when it is played.

In combat, when he strikes, strikes and fights the opponent, each move can be done easily, and quickly without delay . (19459006) Smart Split .

Thanks to this feature, while playing Tekken, we can open the app WhatsApp and chat laughed without the need to stop the game Tekken we play


This multitasking activity n & rsquo; Did not slowly turn our smartphone and this is due, again thanks to the 6GB of RAM that he has.

Cool again, this chat application may decrease so that the game screen still looks full and can still chat throughout the game.


In addition to playing games, a large RAM can also make us open many applications in the (19659008) Even thanks to the power of this RAM of 6 GB, we can open two games while opening many other applications.

high, has a great RAM it also ensures a variety of any activity on the smartphone feels much faster, easier, and of course without lag as well as distractions.

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