What is BBMe that replaces BlackBerry Messenger?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – BlackBerry Limited (BB) will launch BBM Enterprise (BBMe) to replace BlackBerry Messenger, which will close on May 31, 2019. So, what is BBMe?

Marketing director BlackBerry, Mark Wilson, in an official statement quoted by CNBC Indonesia on Friday (19/04/2019), explained that BBMe is an encrypted message transmission platform end to end the state-of-the-art for the private conversation needs of the company's customers.

BBMe provides private services, voice, video and group chat safe and free for 12 months. Currently, users can download BBMe from the Google Play Store on Android.

In addition, this app will soon be available on the Apple App Store. BBMe will be available for free for the first year. After that, users will have to pay a subscription of $ 2.49, or about IDR 35,000 for six months.

From a feature perspective, BBMe users can conduct group conversations, voice and video calls, as well as edit, retract, or set the expiration time of a message.

"They will also know when messages are received and read, and have the opportunity to share folder, voice notes and their location. BBMe for individual use can be used simultaneously on five different devices, "said Mark Wilson.

Even according to Mark Wilson, BBMe is a secure messaging platform that protects the privacy of users. He claimed that BlackBerry does not monetize data so the service does not ask for phone numbers, does not suggest contacts to users, nor does it monitor the user's location and do not know the content sent to other users.

"This service only requires an email address to register, unlike other applications," he said.

What is BBMe that replaces BlackBerry Messanger? Photo: BBM Enterprise

Each sender and recipient has public / private encryption and signature keys (keywords) that are unique. These keywords will be produced by FIPS-certified cryptographic libraries (Federal Standard for the Treatment of Information) 140-2 on the terminal used by the user and this keyword is not controlled by BlackBerry.

Each message uses new symmetric keywords to encrypt messages.

In addition, TLS encryption (Transport layer security) between BlackBerry devices and the infrastructure can prevent BBMe messages from being typed or manipulated.

"After many considerations, we decided that loyal BBM users should always have a reliable and secure order delivery platform," he concluded.


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