WhatsApp Back left by one of the officials


Jakarta – After being left behind by a number of leaders, WhatsApp again loses the figure of boss boss Neeraj Arora, who was previously chief of business.

Arora left WhatsApp, the company in which she worked since 2011, including when she acquired Facebook for $ 19 billion in 2014. Arora resigned exactly seven months after the departure of Jan Koum, founder of WhatsApp.

"I think WhatsApp will remain a simple, secure and reliable communication product for the years to come," wrote Arora in her Facebook message.

He also thanked Koum and Brian Acton – also founder of Whatsapp – for the position. The two men had already left WhatsApp.

The removal of Arora from WhatsApp took place while the message delivery network was going through a difficult period due to various problems existing worldwide. One of them is WhatsApp, which is a popular media for spreading hoaxes in several countries.

In fact, WhatsApp will organize special campaigns in India and Brazil to educate users and help them not to participate in the spread of hoaxes. So quoted detikINET's CNBCTuesday (27/11/2018).

Arora is one of the many leaders who have left Facebook. Previously, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, founders of Instagram, Brendan Iribe, founder of Oculus, and Alex Stamos, head of Facebook's security, had already resigned from Facebook.

(asj / krs)

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