WhatsApp Business for iOS published worldwide


Regardless of the launch of WhatsApp Business, before the general elections (elections), many false or misleading information, such as hoaxes or fake information in instant messaging services, including WhatApp. To minimize this, WhatsApp and third party inspectors, the Anti-Fitnah Society of Indonesia (Mafindo), have set up phone lines that can be used by the public to report erroneous information.

This report will help build Mafindo's data archive on the spread of misinformation during the election period, as well as journalists, so that they can publish factual information.

The public may send text, photos, videos or audio recordings that may give erroneous information to Mafindo at +62 855-7467-6701. These messages will be protected by encryption from end to end and can not be seen by WhatsApp.

"We are asking all WhatsApp users to report this number to +62 855-7467-6701, so we can check it and add it to our data collection archives," he said. through official information received Tekno Liputan6.com, Thursday (04/04/2019).

WhatsApp also announced its partnership with ICT Watch to support misinformation education through the Digital Literacy Training Program in 10 child-friendly integrated public spaces (RPTRA) in Jakarta. In addition, he also works with the creative community to develop unique stickers that talk about misinformation about WhatsApp.

"We encourage users to participate in the pre-election and post-election hoax efforts, and this commitment is based on WhatsApp's commitment, including our efforts to reduce the number of messages that can be expanded to the next level." five times, which can reduce by 25% the broadcast of messages broadcast on WhatsApp. ", explained the official statement of WhatsApp.

(Din / Isk)

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